Following Jazz Music Sunday at our 10 AM service, join us for Visioning Sunday. God has given St. John’s the special gifts of love, inclusion, and grace. Five years from now, we will celebrate our bicentenary: 200 years of incredible history together. God willing, we know that hundreds of years lay before us. Let’s get together to talk about how we will embody our gifts in our community and the world. We know that God is within St. John’s. Help us pursue God’s vision together through conversation. Together, we will find it!
To understand more, Fr. Lonnie’s sermon on August 18 is a wonderful place to start: click here to watch.
We’ll have guided discussions and time for reflection, as well as a Parish Potluck in Alfriend Hall. St. John’s will provide chicken; please bring your favorite summer sides or desserts that do NOT need to be heated or refrigerated. Questions about food? Please contact Mahaska Whitley at
Childcare in the nursery will be available for children Kindergarten and younger. We will have activities for children in grades 1st through 5th. All 6th graders and up are invited to join us in Alfriend Hall!