Ministry/Project | Contact Name |
Acolyte Ministry | |
Adult Education |
Sara Beth Shippen |
Advent Luncheon | |
Altar Guild | |
Angel Food Ministry | |
Bach Parley String Academy | |
Baptism | |
Baptism Banners | |
Becoming Beloved Community | |
Big Bend Hospice | |
Capital Area Justice Ministry | |
Cemetery Cleanup | |
Centering Prayer Group | |
Childcare (Nursery) | |
Chimes (weekly bulletin) | |
Choir (Adult) & Choristers | |
Club 45 | |
Community Remembrance Project | |
Compline Choir | |
Concerts & Special Services | |
Confirmation (Adult) | |
Confirmation (Youth) | |
Contemplative Prayer Group | |
Cuba Living Waters | |
Cuba Mission | |
Cursillo Weekend | |
Daughters of the King (DOK) | |
Diggers (Cemetery Maintenance) | |
Do Justice Ministry | |
eChimes (email newsletter) | |
Education for Ministry (EfM) | |
Episcopal Relief and Development | |
Episcopal University Center | |
Eucharistic Ministers | |
Eucharistic Visitors | |
Flower Guild (Arranging) | |
Flower Ministry (Delivery) | |
Front Porch | |
Funeral Guild | |
Funerals | |
Grace Mission | |
Greeters Ministry | |
Growing in Grace (Adult Confirmation/Baptism) | |
Habitat for Humanity | |
Integrity Tallahassee | |
Invite Welcome Connect Ministry | |
Joyful Noisemakers | |
Kearney Center | |
Knitting Ministry | |
Lectors (Readers) | |
Lend-a-Hand Project (Mentoring) | |
Lenten Prayer Partners | |
Meal Delivery (Angel Food Ministry) | |
Meals on Wheels (Christmas) | |
Membership | |
Memorial Garden | |
Memorials Committee | |
Men’s Bible Study | |
Men’s Breakfast | |
Men’s Chill and Grill | |
Mentoring Project (Riley Elementary) | |
Mission Trips | |
Music Program | |
New Baby Ministry | |
New Members’ Class | |
Nursery (Childcare) | |
Parish Buddies | |
Parish Weekend | |
Pastoral Care | |
Prayer Requests | |
Press Club | |
Prison Ministry | |
Reception Guild | |
SALT (Senior Adults Living Triumphantly) | |
Second Harvest | |
Small Groups Ministry | |
SPUDS (St. John’s Parishioners United for Dining and Spirit) | |
St. Francis Ministry | |
St. John’s Choir School | |
St. John’s Foundation | |
St. John’s Market | |
St. Mary’s Circle | |
Stephen Ministry | |
Stewardship |
Chuck Hinson |
Sunday School (Children) | |
Sunday School (Youth) | |
Technology (Livestreaming) | |
Tower Bell Guild | |
Ushers (Service Greeters) | |
Vacation Bible School | |
Vergers | |
Vestry | |
Walking the Mourner’s Path (Grief Support) | |
Wedding Committee | |
Weddings | |
Westminster Oaks Communion Services | |
Women’s Bible Study | |
YAMS (Young Adults Married and Single) | |
Yoga & Meditation | |
Youth Ministry |