In order to allow Fr. Lonnie as much time as possible with his father, our Bible Stories for Grownups class will NOT meet again this spring. Please help us respect the Lacys’ privacy during this tender time, and keep Lonnie’s father and the entire Lacy family in your prayers.
The average American Christian owns nine Bibles, yet biblical literacy is at an all-time low.
Did you miss out on the core stories of the Bible as a child? Do you find yourself thinking, “Huh?” when we read certain scripture passages aloud on Sunday? Do you hunger for a deeper relationship with God and a better understanding of the Christian faith?
Join us for Fr. Lonnie’s Wednesday night class called “Bible Stories for Grownups.” Each week we will take up a core Bible story every Christian should know. We’ll explore the depth of the story, get to know the people and places involved, and—most importantly—see what God has been up to, both in ages past and in our lives today.