At this week’s Coffee Talk, we will be joined by Dr. Don Zorn, MD, a local physician and a dedicated St. John’s parishioner who has served as a key medical advisor on St. John’s COVID-19 Task Force since March 2020.
During our Coffee Talk discussion, Dr. Zorn will focus on the research that created the COVID-19 vaccine and he’ll talk about how to go about getting the shot. Dr. Zorn just went through the COVID-19 vaccine process himself. So, come hear his take on the experience and enjoy some Q & A about where we go from here.
Join us via Zoom:
Password: 1829
Or, call-in by phone: (301) 715-8595
Meeting ID: 183 171 062
Coffee Talk meets weekly! Grab a cup of coffee and join us for some fellowship and education. Speakers and topics vary.