Earth Day is coming up on April 22. Responding to our call to care for God’s creation and to build a just and sustainable world, Episcopalians worldwide are taking action this Earth Day, to protect and care for this place we call home. Coffee Talk this week will feature a discussion with Cara Fleischer about creation care and what’s being done right here in our community.
Cara is a mom on a mission to protect our earth and to love on people. She is a Leon Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisor, the founder and organizer of Tallahassee Green Faith Alliance, and a Creation Care leader at Saint Paul’s United Methodist Church.
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Password: 1829
Or, call-in by phone: (301) 715-8595
Meeting ID: 183 171 062
Coffee Talk meets weekly! Grab a cup of coffee and join us for some fellowship and education. Speakers and topics vary.