Join St. John’s Episcopal Church and The Front Porch for a series of painting workshops inspired by The Saint John’s Bible. We will learn about God as Creator and abstract art techniques while igniting our imaginations with hands-on painting in a group setting.
Space is limited to 10 participants per workshop, so three different workshops will be presented during the year that The Saint John’s Bible is being hosted on the St. John’s campus:
Each painting workshop will be three hours long and led by Suzette Williams and Kate Kile. There will be a $15 registration fee to help cover the cost of materials and refreshments (scholarships provided).
St. John’s Episcopal Church is proud to be hosting the Gospels and Acts volume of The Saint John’s Bible, Heritage Edition, on our campus through fall 2024. We invite you to visit The Saint John’s Bible page on our website to learn more.
This event is presented by The Front Porch: a Spiritual Life Center. The Front Porch welcomes people along all paths who seek to deepen their spiritual lives. We offer contemplative practices, events, and classes rooted in Christian spirituality.
Image Credit: Jacob’s Ladder, Donald Jackson with contributions from Chris Tomlin, Copyright 2002, The Saint John’s Bible, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved.