As the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, we work to foster Beloved Communities where all people may experience dignity and see themselves and others as beloved children of God. This coming Sunday, join us at Coffee Talk to hear from members of the Becoming Beloved Community Consultation. This committee has been meeting and discussing Living Into God’s Dream. Marcy Muldrow Sanders and Jim Messer, chairs of this group, will talk about the process, some of the questions being discussed, and the scope of the group’s work these next few months.
This event gathers via Zoom Meetings:
Password: 1829
Or, call-in by phone: (301) 715-8595
Meeting ID: 183 171 062
Coffee Talk meets weekly! Grab a cup of coffee after the Service of Morning Prayer and join St. John’s clergy and fellow parishioners for some fellowship and education. Speakers and topics vary.