As followers of Jesus, we’re always growing in grace. Whether we’re a child discovering God’s love in Vacation Bible School, a youth deciding to follow Jesus on her own, or an elder exploring a new way to pray, faith is dynamic. Through the power of the Holy Spirit — the wind of God at our backs — we mature in our faith through the course of our lives. As works in progress, we accept that much of our growth will come through mistakes and failures. Grounded in God’s forgiveness and wisdom, we commit to following Jesus as disciples on a lifelong pilgrimage of learning and transformation.
At St. John’s, we welcome all children and their parents to grow in their faith through classroom learning and seasonal events. Just as Jesus welcomed all the little children to gather near, we invite all ages to continually learn more about the love that God has for each of us. Take a moment to learn more about how your children can grow in faith at St. John’s.
Children's Ministry
St. John’s is all about meeting people wherever they are in their spiritual journey and the same is true for our youth program. Each time our young people gather, they learn how our faith can be a part of our everyday life through play, worship, and service. Learn more about how the teenagers in your life can grow in God’s love at St. John’s.
Youth Ministry
In the Episcopal Church you might hear the phrase “faith seeking understanding.” Our Adult opportunities provide a place where you can come explore questions of faith in a grace filled environment.
Adults meet in small groups, bible studies, and larger forums to explore a variety of topics, from things biblical and theological, to how people of faith encounter the challenges of the present day. We value the diversity of our congregation and that diversity enlivens our educational offerings.
No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we encourage you to learn more about participate in our offerings for adults.
Learn More