Haz las maletas que nos vamos a CUBA!!
Translated, that’s “Pack your bags, we’re going to CUBA!!” After two long years, St. John’s Compass Rose Commission is finally able to visit our good friends at our companion parish San Pedro Apóstol in Zorrilla, Cuba!
In early April, a trio of missionaries will travel to Cuba and take along some much-needed humanitarian aid. Please help us pack our suitcases with over-the-counter medicines and health care items. See what’s needed by visiting our online signup, where you can select what you’d like to donate, or contact Marian Lambeth at compassrosecommission@gmail.com.
This is an old signup. Please see our newer posts for the info about current mission efforts.
Shopping from the list will help our missionaries get the necessary variety and number of items requested. New, unopened, unexpired products are preferred, and larger bottles and containers are appreciated. After you sign up on the online list, donated items can be brought to the church office by March 31.
More about our Cuban Partnership:
Since 1999, St. John’s has sent missionaries and support to Episcopal ministries in Cuba and, in particular, to our sister parish, San Pedro Apóstol, in the rural village of Zorrilla. St. John’s adults and youth have participated in dozens of trips to Cuba and have helped San Pedro Apóstol acquire and convert a home into a consecrated church. In partnership with Cuban host churches and other Florida congregations, St. John’s has helped to install and maintain Living Waters for the World water treatment systems in five Cuban churches to provide clean, free water for their parishes and communities.