Easter is a wonderful time to honor loved ones you’ve lost or special people in your life today.
Easter lilies displayed in the church on Easter and music dedications that support our music program are wonderful ways to honor these individuals. All dedications are listed in our Easter bulletins.
Again this year, dedications and donations will be handled digitally through the site that we use to coordinate weekly altar flower dedications. Contribution envelopes are also available in the pews so checks can be dropped in the offering plate. To make your flower or music dedication online, click the button below.
In order to allow time for bulletin preparation, please have your information and contributions submitted by Monday, March 18.
We suggest a $20 donation per dedication, but any amount is gratefully received.
Need assistance? Contact Deborah Dugger with questions at (850) 222-2636 or deborah@saint-john.org.
Thank you for your support of our music and flower ministries.
A few helpful tips:
- Click on the Easter flower or music boxes to add the item to your cart.
- If you are dedicating each lily to a separate individual, you add them to your cart and enter the dedication language separately.
- Where prompted, enter the dedication language (“In Memory of” or “In Thanksgiving For”) and the person’s name.
- Add to cart and follow the payment prompts to place your order.