March 13, 2020

Health & Safety Precautions

As changes and cancellations are announced worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been consulting with the Diocese of Florida to institute a few additional changes and a few extra precautions for Sunday services at St. John’s.

Please know that clergy and lay leadership teams are meeting regularly and thinking very carefully about how we can best care for you and our community and provide spiritual care during this time of uncertainty. Our desire is to worship together and for the work of the church to continue with limited disruption.

No matter what you personally decided about your participating in worship and parish life, know that we are here for you. If you do not feel well enough to join us, please stay at home and rest. It may be comforting to know that we are exploring methods for worshipping and gathering virtually. Our staff will be testing live stream capabilities on Sunday so we are prepared in the event we need to move to a virtual church experience.

Health & Safety Precautions:

  1. At church, we will continue to follow the CDC’s main advice: wash our hands. Please use the hand sanitizing stations around the campus before and after worship. We will regularly be disinfecting railings, door handles and frequently touched surfaces. Items that can not be disinfected regularly have been removed from circulation.
  2. At the Eucharist, we have temporarily discontinued the use of the common cup, although the chalice of wine will be consecrated and received by the celebrant. Remember, the Episcopal Church maintains that the full blessing of the Eucharist is available in only one element; we will provide the bread. Should you prefer, all are welcome to come forward and receive a blessing. We have temporarily discontinued the use of the altar rail and will instead offer standing stations near the altar during communion.
  3. As of this weekend, offertory plates will be placed at church entrances so those who wish to give can do so on their way in or out of services.
  4. We are asking that the Peace be expressed in a form that does not involve touching, i.e. waving, bowing, or peace signs.

Stay tuned to email and social media for updates and links to resources.

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