Mindful practices are nuggets of wisdom to help you grow closer to God. Today’s practice is about the Litany of Gratitude, a prayer you can recite when you feel yourself sinking.
It is not uncommon to drift unconsciously into feelings of sadness or light depression from time to time. It’s called diminishing joy.
When you become aware of this sadness, stop what you are doing, become present in the moment, and remind yourself of the beauty surrounding you and your life. Then recite a “Litany of Gratitude.”
Name out loud one after another your gratitudes: health or a healing, children, parents, friends, your state in life, education, your dog or cat, your breath, your sight, your dreams.
This practice can gently call you back to that precious state of Grace, adorned with appreciation and gratitude for your life and the God who has blessed you with such abundance. Is gratitude good for your health? Learn more at: https://bit.ly/gratitudemindful