“Behold I am doing a new thing.” — Isaiah 43:19
During these COVID times, we invite you to consider hosting your very own Neighborhood Eucharist, celebrated by a member of the St. John’s clergy.
We are aware that online worship and gatherings are not appealing to everyone. Neighborhood Eucharist is a safe way for us to connect personally as the body of Christ, following guidance from medical professionals and local government. Read more HERE about other new offerings.
How does Neighborhood Eucharist work?
As a host, you select the date that works best for your family — a Thursday evening or Sunday morning — and invite up to 25 people to join you for a celebration of Eucharist held outdoors at your home.
Everyone in attendance must be masked. We encourage you to include members of our church family, as well as your own family, friends, and neighbors to come and worship with you and a member of the St. John’s clergy.
As your Neighborhood Eucharist date gets closer, we will be in touch with you to share guidelines for inviting friends and hosting the Eucharist.
Thank you for seeking God’s hope, grace and peace as the body of Christ in these times. If you have additional questions or need assistance with selecting a Neighborhood Eucharist time, please contact Administrative Assistant Deborah Dugger in the St. John’s office at (850) 222-2636.