Thank you St. John’s, for giving the student body at Riley Elementary a fabulous start this school year!
Riley Elementary lies within the 32304 zip code, which is the poorest in the state of Florida. St. John’s has partnered with the school for years, providing one-on-one student mentoring, reading programs, and support and appreciation for faculty and staff. Due to the pandemic, it won’t be possible to help through our usual channels, but we were confident that the people of St. John’s could assist Riley from afar with an online school supply drive. Well St. Johns, you exceeded our expectations!
During our two-week drive, more than $8,000 worth of school supplies were purchased for the children of Riley Elementary School. On top of that, an additional $1,900 was donated by parishioners and members of the community for administrators to use for other school needs. That’s approximately $10,000 in support for our young friends as they started the 2020-21 school year!
Our outreach and compassion care teams said it felt like “Christmas in August” when they delivered the 40 boxes off school supplies off to Riley Elementary. Thank you, St. John’s, for your generous hearts! By loving your neighbor, you helped the children of Riley when they needed you most.