December 28, 2021

Youth 2022: “You Are Enough!”

Today’s youth live in a world of conditionality. Everything from grades, college acceptances, even who they sit with at the lunch table is contingent on what they do, say, or believe. Everything is earned. However, the love of God is undeserved yet still freely given. This spring, the theme of St. John’s Youth is, “You are Enough.” We will unpack the holy mysteries surrounding God’s grace, mercy, love, and what the death and resurrection of Jesus truly means for each of us.

St. John’s Youth events feature a combination of small- and large-group gatherings that take place on weekdays and weekends, creating many opportunities for faith, fun, and fellowship!

Read on for a summary of the spring semester with St. John’s Youth Ministries:


Held the first Sunday of the month, for Youth in grades 6-12. This spring, we’ll open our classrooms for a quiet homework space at 4 PM. Then, at 5 PM, everyone will gather for fun and fellowship. Topics vary monthly. Dinner will be served. Click the image below for details and a list of upcoming dates. We’re skipping January, due to our Universal trip and scheduled diocesan youth activities.


We have small groups for boys and girls of all ages and stages! Click on the names of the groups below for a full list of upcoming dates and/or visit the calendar for details on each offering.


BCD (Bible. Conversation. Donuts.) will continue to meet on Sunday mornings after the 10 AM service for all Youth (grades 6-12). Stay tuned for a start date. We’re looking for a few adults to help round out our Youth Sunday School teaching team. If you’d like to join our teaching rotation (a commitment of three Sundays per semester), which features an easy-to-follow curriculum, please contact Caroline Devitt.


On the third Thursday of each month, all Youth (grades 6-12) are invited to gather at Cascades Park for a mid-week reflection and an Order of Compline at sunset! Snacks will be served. Click on the image below for a full list of dates.

That’s the nuts and bolts! But stay tuned for details on more youth fun – confirmation class, registration for Youth B.E.A.T. and next year’s Global Philanthropy Leaders, as well as fundraisers for upcoming mission trips. You can always access a full list of upcoming Youth events from our online calendar. Simply enter “Youth” in the search bar to see a complete list of events on the horizon!

Contact Caroline Devitt, Interim Director of Youth Ministries, with any questions or concerns!

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