Sunday’s anthem, presented by our virtual choir, is “Let Everything, a Psalm in Gospel Style” by Tallahassee’s own André J. Thomas.
Dr. Thomas is no stranger to St. John’s. As the founding artistic director of the Tallahassee Community Chorus, he rehearsed with the choir in Alfriend Hall every Monday night for over 30 years, until his retirement in 2019. He is currently serving as the Interim Director of the Yale Camerata.
“Let Everything” is a paraphrase of Psalm 150, and shares the joy and praise expressed in the psalm through lively rhythms, a driving bass line, jazz chords, and playful choir duets in a call & response style. The accompaniment track backing our choir this Sunday, shared with us by The Hymn Society, features Dr. Thomas himself at the piano, and drums and bass by Hymn Society director Brian Hehn. It’s sure to have you toe-tapping in front of your TV or computer screen!
Special thanks to St. John’s Music Associate & Organist Elizabeth LaJeunesse for sharing this “Behind the Music” information.