I grew up in New Jersey, home to the late poet Joyce Kilmer, who was killed in action during World War I. Kilmer wrote Wartime Christmas, a poem in which he views the peaceful manger scene through dark clouds of turmoil:
Now is the earth a dreary place,
A troubled place, a weary place.
Peace has hidden her lovely face
And turned in tears away.
Yet the sun, through the war-cloud, sees
Babies asleep on their mother’s knees.
While there are love and home—and these—
There shall be Christmas Day.
Love and home: these are what Christmas is all about, especially when the earth is dreary, troubled and weary. We know that Advent and Christmas will be different this year. It is hard for me to imagine, for example, Christmas services without congregational singing. Yet, I am confident that we will experience the good news of Jesus’ birth in new and deeper ways this year. The coming of our Savior, to paraphrase another poet, is news that stays news.
As we prepare to celebrate this holy season together, with gratitude in my heart for your past faithfulness and generosity, I invite you to do two things:
- Please meet or exceed your 2020 pledge or giving goal.
- In the church’s budget, we depend on a strong December. Last December, we received $290,000 pledge and non-pledge income. This year, we’re counting on receiving $267,375. Please help us reach our goal by giving generously.
- Please send in your 2021 pledge.
- This will help us continue the positive momentum that we’ve experienced in recent years. Annual giving pledge cards are available in the church, parish office or by contacting Kate Kile, Director of Finance and Stewardship, at 222-2636 x17 or kate@saint-john.org. You may also pledge or give online right here on the website.
May this season be a time when you and your loved ones experience the joy of love, home, and the birth of Jesus.
Yours faithfully,
P.S. You may be interested in making a special gift of cash, stock or appreciated assets such as IRA account distributions. For more information, please contact Kate Kile at 222-2636 x17 or kate@saint-john.org.