September 1, 2022
Dear Friends in Christ,
In many churches, including St. John’s, September is a season of welcome. For you, it may be “welcome back” as you return to regular worship after the summer months. For newcomers, it will be “welcome here” as they visit St. John’s for the first time. For my family and me, you’ve made it a wonderful “welcome home” as we continue to settle in and enjoy our new life among you. Thank you for the good humor, grace, joy, and love you have lavished upon us, all of which have made the Lacy family feel so much at home. God has brought us together for a reason, and we already love St. John’s, Tallahassee, and you!
While there’s much to be grateful for at St. John’s, I find myself most grateful for YOU and all you have done for our beloved church during the past 12+ months of transition. It has been a long season of uncertainty and change but trust me—the Holy Spirit is present. You can feel the buzz as we gather as a congregation around the altar on Sundays. St. John’s is one big, magnificent family, a church community that is excited to be back together growing in faith.
This fall, St. John’s is offering several new opportunities for spiritual formation and connection—such as my Wednesday evening “Bible Stories for Grownups” class, some special Front Porch speakers, and a Global Philanthropy Leaders series adapted for adults from our popular Youth program. Additionally, many St. John’s favorites are returning—including the Fall Parish Dinner, the weekly Faith at 5:30 service, and the beloved St. John’s Market. Please see our fall schedule highlighting several offerings that will help us deepen our faith and experience God’s love together.
I ask your prayers as we continue to fill out our remarkable staff. Our new Parish Administrator, Mark Ascani, starts September 6, and we are on the search for an Associate Rector and a Youth & Children’s Minister. Filling these positions will take some time, but I have every reason to believe God is already preparing the right people to join our team.
Above all else, I invite you to worship. Worship is the most important thing we do at St. John’s. It anchors us, feeds us, and keeps us connected to the love of Jesus Christ and one another. For now, we will continue with an 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and 5:30 p.m. schedule, giving us a chance to renew our relationships and revel in the joy of worshipping together. Come see what God is doing at St. John’s.
Grace and peace,
The Rev. Lonnie Lacy, Rector