At St. John’s, “Worship is at the center of all we do.” This phrase is part of our parish’s core values, as nothing is more important than the time we spend together on Sundays or weekdays, worshipping God in the beauty of holiness. As St. John’s embarks on a new era led by Fr. Lonnie, please consider serving during worship as an Acolyte or Eucharistic Minister. Below is information about these two important positions, as well as details on how you can get involved.
ROLE & BENEFITS: In the Episcopal Church, an “Acolyte” is the general term used to describe those assisting in the worship ceremony as torchbearers, lighters of candles, crucifers, thurifers, and banner-bearers. St. John’s Acolyte Ministry is a vibrant and active opportunity open to all youth in fifth grade and higher. Acolytes are the life blood of any church, especially at St. John’s. Over the years, youth have started serving as torchbearers, and have literally grown up in the church, graduating high school in the role of crucifer. The benefits of serving as an Acolyte go beyond the service to the church and the parish. Youth serving as Acolytes learn important life skills like responsibility, time management, leadership, collaboration, and decision-making.
TRAINING: As we begin a new era with Fr. Lonnie as rector, St. John’s is actively recruiting and training all Youth to serve as Acolytes. We will hold a training on Sunday, August 14, at 11:15 AM, for both new and experienced Acolytes. At this time, we will explain how Acolytes are scheduled for services and how this can be coordinated with other family members who serve in other ministries on Sundays. Lunch will be provided for participating Youth.
HOW TO GET INVOLVED: If you would like to participate in the training event, please email an RSVP to Claire Dodd, our membership coordinator. You can also direct questions to Michael Spellman, our lay worship coordinator.
ROLE & TIME COMMITMENT: Eucharistic Ministers are responsible for reading the lessons and administering the chalice during Holy Communion. As a Eucharistic Minister at St. John’s, you will be scheduled to serve approximately once or twice a month, unless you would like to serve more often. You will have the flexibility to select the dates and service times when you are available.
TRAINING: A training for new and experienced Eucharistic Ministers will take place in late August. At that time, we will explain how you can request coordinated scheduling with family members (for example, if your spouse or children serve in other ministries, such as lectors or acolytes or in the choir). Special services and holidays will be scheduled based upon interest and availability.
HOW TO GET INVOLVED: If you feel called to serve in this vital parish ministry, please email Michael Spellman, our lay worship coordinator. He would be happy to answer any questions. And stay tuned for details on our upcoming training session.