Throughout the summer, the St. John’s clergy and staff was hard at work planning fall ministry activities, but the recent surge in COVID cases has caused us to reevaluate how to start these parish activities safely. In-person ministries have temporarily hit the pause button and and many activities have adjusted their meeting format to continue gathering during this time, while other ministries have pushed fall start dates back a bit and are laying the groundwork for the upcoming program year.
Here’s an alphabetical rundown of our ministry areas and how you can get involved this fall:
ADULT EDUCATION: We have moved weekly Coffee Talks online and our Bible Studies remain online for the next few weeks. Mother Abi’s 12:10 PM Friday Book Study recently began reading “The Gospel of Mark,” by N.T. Wright. Together they reflect on Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and how that transforms our daily lives. All are welcome! A full schedule of classes can be found on our ONLINE CALENDAR.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: Children’s Sunday School activities are scheduled to begin in September. UPDATE (9/8/21): programming for ages 12 and under will not begin until at least the beginning of October. Sunday morning service times will remain at 8 and 10 AM this fall, which means Sunday School runs from 11:15 AM-12 PM. This year, we will have three combined classes (PK/K, 1st/2nd grades, and 3rd/4th/5th grades) that will meet weekly through December 12. Our fourth and fifth graders will also gather once a month on Sunday afternoons for Club 45. Save the date for these Club 45 dates, which will proceed as they will be held outdoors: 9/26, 10/24, and 11/14. Stay tuned for an official Sunday School start date! In the meantime, families can complete Sunday School registration forms online to be ready for the fall semester!
MUSIC MINISTRY: Choir registration is now open for ages seven and up. Our chorister program nurtures young musicians in a supportive and energetic learning environment, while our adult choir is open to anyone who wants to lend their voice in the leading of worship. No prior musical experience is necessary! Choristers (3rd-12th grades) will rehearse on Wednesday afternoons (4:45-6 PM), and the Adult Choir (teenage boys and adults) will meet on Wednesday evenings (7-8:30 PM). Rehearsals are expected to begin in September, and will be done so in consultation with the St. John’s COVID-19 Task Force. UPDATE (9/8/21): programming for ages 12 and under will not begin until at least the beginning of October. All choir members will be provided with a KN95 mask. Learn about the many benefits of singing in a choir by emailing Betsy Calhoun.
Additionally, contact Betsy if you would like more information about Joyful Noisemakers, our Tuesday afternoon program (4-4:45 PM) for first and second graders that gets them exploring, playing, singing, and learning about music in an informal setting.
OUTREACH MINISTRY: The rise in COVID cases has prompted many outreach ministries to temporarily pause their involvement. However, a few ministries are building their volunteer base now for the fall. St. John’s is currently seeking 5 or 6 new volunteers to assist at the Kearney Center on the fourth Tuesday evening of each month. St. John’s has three teams of volunteers that serve meals regularly at our local residential center providing holistic services for those who are unsheltered and financially insecure. Please email Susan Jones if you would like more information.
PARISH LIFE MINISTRIES: St. John’s has already begun forming new Small Groups for the fall. You can choose to join a group with those of a similar age group, with parishioners who prefer to meet at a specific time of day, and those who desire a preferred meeting format (online only). Groups will initially gather in September. REGISTER ONLINE by August 31, even if you were previously involved in the Small Group Ministry.
PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY: This fall, St. John’s will once again offer “Walking the Mourner’s Path,” an 8-week grief support program. These small group workshops are spiritually directed and guided by trained facilitators and clergy. Workshops will meet on Wednesdays evenings from 7-8:30 PM, beginning September 15. Registration is required in advance. Learn more by clicking the link below.
YOUTH MINISTRY: Youth Ministry activities are scheduled to begin in September. Our 6th-12th graders will meet on Sundays (5-7 PM) for fun and fellowship at Youth Night. And, they’ll gather on select Sunday mornings (11:15 AM) for Bible, Conversation, Donuts (BCD). Plus, special events and service opportunities are planned throughout the semester. Mark your calendar for our Youth Camping Trip (October 15-18). Youth can also get involved in weekly worship as acolytes, youth lectors, and choir members. We urge you to get ready for our fall semester by completing a Youth Ministry Registration form and joining our email list and remind!