From the Rector Search Committee
May 26, 2022
Dear Friends in Christ, Praise the Lord! God has done great things! Father Lonnie Lacy and his wonderful family are…
The Senior and Junior Wardens in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair discern the makeup of the Search Committee. The goal was to ensure a diverse group representing a wide range of St. John’s parishioners. Over the next several months, our 12-member committee will meet frequently for discernment guided by faith and prayer, with guidance from our Diocesan consultant the Rev. Canon Dr. J. Allison DeFoor.
Martin has been a member of St. John’s for 54 years. He is married to Susan and they have three children, one grandson, and another grandchild on the way! Martin is an automobile dealer. He has been involved in the following at St. John’s: Vestry, Senior Warden, Finance Chair, Stewardship Committee member, Capital Campaign Committee member, Men’s Bible Study, Sunday School teacher, Renewal Works Committee member.
Laurye has been a member of St. John’s for 18 years. She is married to Jim and they have three children. She is an Adjunct History Instructor at Tallahassee Community College. Laurye has been involved in the following at St. John’s: Vestry, Senior Warden, St. John’s Market Co-Chair, Stewardship Committee Co-Chair, Same-Gender Marriage Consultation member, Visioning the Vineyard Strategic Planning team/Visioning Day Chair, Sunday School teacher, Outreach Committee member, Renewal Works Committee member.
Gene has been a member of St. John’s for 22 years. He is married to Susan and they have one child. He is an attorney involved in governmental affairs and utility law. Gene has been involved in the following at St. John’s: Stewardship Committee Co-Chair, Greeter, Vestry, Junior Warden, Second Harvest, Finance Committee.
Sarah Michael has been a member of St. John’s for 23 years. She is the daughter of St. John’s members, Pam and Paul Anderson, and she has three siblings. She is a Career and Academic Advisor at Tallahassee Community College. Sarah Michael has been involved in the following at St. John’s: Eucharistic Minister, Verger, Acolyte Coordinator, Same-Gender Marriage Consultation member, Renewal Works Committee member, Stewardship Committee, Club 45 Volunteer, Sunday School teacher, Youth Group, Acolyte.
Brian has been a member of St. John’s for seven years. He is married to Valerie. He is a Web Developer for Florida State University’s Strozier Library. He also performs viola and voice with Tallahassee Bach Parley and other groups in the area. Brian has been involved in the following at St. John’s: Welcome Committee Chair, Adult Choir, Compline Choir, Evensong Officiant, member of the Discernment Committee for candidate seeking Holy Orders, Communications Advisory Board.
Alan has been a member of St. John’s for 34 years. He is married to Nancy and they have three children and two grandchildren. He recently became semi-retired after owning a wholesale distribution business. Alan has been involved at the following at St. John’s: Vestry, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Stewardship Committee, Foundation Board, Finance Committee, Bellringer.
David has been a member of St. John’s for eight years. He has two siblings. He is an attorney for the Florida Legislature. David has been involved in the following at St. John’s: Youth Confirmation Instructor, Verger, Eucharistic Minister, Greeter, Strategic Plan Implementation member.
Lina has been a member of St. John’s for 60 years. She is married to Dean and they have two children and five grandchildren. She is a retired teacher. Lina has been involved in the following at St. John’s: Vestry, Stephen Minister, Foundation Board, Cafe Volunteer, EYC, Youth Sunday School teacher, Renewal Works Committee member, and as a member of various committees within the church such as the Parish Retreat, St. John’s Market, and special events.
Cricket has been a member of St. John’s for 36 years. She is married to Doug and they have two children. She is a dance instructor and is on the advisory board for the FSU School of Fine Arts. Cricket has been involved in the following at St. John’s: Vestry, Stephen Minister leader, Flower Guild Co-Chair, St. John’s Market Chair and volunteer, Café volunteer, Vacation Bible School Chair, Sunday School teacher, Meals on Wheels Christmas Eve delivery, Search Committee member for Father Rick Effinger and Reverend Kathy Walker, Visioning the Vineyard Strategic Planning team, Capital Campaign Committee member.
Virginia has been a member of St. John’s for 56 years. She is married to Earle who is a lifelong member of St. John’s. They have two children and four grandchildren. She is a retired teacher. Virginia has been involved in the following at St. John’s: Vestry, Adult Education Committee, Communications Committee, St. Mary’s Circle President, Renewal Works Committee member, Needlepoint Committee Chair, Altar Guild, Bookstore Board Chair, St. John’s Cemetery Research Committee, Cemetery Stone Restoration.
Neil has been a member of St. John’s for 21 years. He and his wife, Elizabeth Ricci, were married at St. John’s in 2002 and they have two children. He is an immigration attorney. Neil has been involved in the following at St. John’s: served during worship as a greeter/usher, along with his wife Elizabeth, has served as a Do Justice member. Their two girls participate regularly in Youth B.E.A.T. Camp.
Corinna has been a member of St. John’s for 10 years. She is married to Wayne and they have three children. She is a stay-at-home parent. Corinna has been involved in the following at St. John’s: Vestry, Sunday School Teacher/Coordinator, Youth/Children’s Commission, Call Street Block Party Chair, Newcomer Ministry, Angel Food Ministry, Foyers Group Coordinator, Vacation Bible School teacher, Greeter, Market volunteer, Preview Party Committee, Greeter, Universal/Quito Chaperone, Flower Ministry.
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Dear Friends in Christ, Praise the Lord! God has done great things! Father Lonnie Lacy and his wonderful family are…
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