April 27, 2021

St. John’s Pastoral Care Shepherds

“The Lord is my Shepherd” – Psalm 23:1

We all face challenges in our lives – injury, illness, death of a loved one, divorce, loss of a job. When you or those you care for encounter situations such as these, St. John’s Episcopal Church wants to be there for you. While we may be unable to solve the problem, we can provide love and support and shepherd you through those challenging times. We can listen. We can pray. We can help in small ways. We can do much to assure you that you are not alone.

For many years, and in countless ways, the clergy and members of St. John’s Episcopal Church have truly “been there” for each other. However, we are now a church community of 1,500 members in some 750 households. The sheer numbers present their own challenges. How do we care for so many people? When challenges come your way, to whom can you turn?

St. John’s Pastoral Care Shepherds, our new network of pastoral care, is a way to address those questions. The concept is simple. The congregation is divided into four groups, each with a trio of coordinators, called Shepherds. The role of a Shepherd is to be in confidential communication with the people in their shepherding group. When someone in their group faces a challenge or crisis, the Shepherd helps to coordinate the care of that individual or family utilizing the various pastoral support ministries of St. John’s Episcopal Church – the Prayer Ministry, the Angel Food Ministry, the Flower Ministry, the Eucharistic Visitors Ministry, etc.

Below are email addresses for your Shepherds and our St. John’s Pastoral Care Shepherd leaders, Lynn Bannister, Lucy Carter, Pat Garner and the Rev. Deacon Joe Bakker. Phone numbers were sent in a recent parish mailing. Please refer back to this and let your Shepherd know when life challenges and blessings come your way. Together we can make a difference. Together we can see that “no one walks alone.”


Your Shepherd is assigned to your household by the first letter of your last name:

TEAM 1 (Last Names A-D)
Lynn Bannister – team leader
George & Michelle Mannheimer
Boyd Murphree

TEAM 2 (Last Names E through L)
Lucy Carter – team leader
Josie Gustafson
Mary Lee Robertson

TEAM 3 (Last Names M through R)
The Rev. Dcn Joe Bakker – team leader
Emily Garretson
Maggie Abney

TEAM 4 (Last Names S through Z)
Pat Garner – team leader
Melanie Salsgiver
Mary Anne Gray

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