Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.
— I Corinthians 12:27
The Stewardship Committee is holding the entire parish in prayer as we begin the Stewardship Season for the upcoming calendar year 2022. Pledge packets should have arrived at your mailbox this week. If you have not received one, please email Kate Kile or call (850) 222-2636 ext. 17. Your Stewardship Committee members include: JR & Ken Saginario (Chairs), Carolyn & Bob Gosselin (Vice Chairs), Jeff & Lisa Askins (Immediate past Chairs), Jen Garretson, Katie Proctor, and Linda Scott.
St. John’s is continuing our new tradition of a shortened pledge season, now happening during the month of October. Please prayerfully consider your pledge commitment and let us know by October 31.
You can return your pledge card in the mail, place in the offering plate (in the envelope provided for confidentiality) or try your hand at making your pledge online by logging in to your Realm account!
If you still haven’t worked up the courage to do that, Claire and Kate are more than happy to walk you through that process. Simply call or email them to set up a time for tech support.
The St. John’s Stewardship Committee is looking forward to a joyful and generous stewardship season with you!