Youth B.E.A.T. (Being Extraordinary Around Tallahassee) is a service-oriented camp for Tallahassee youth. Now in its 7th year, Youth B.E.A.T. helps teens gain a wider perspective about who and what makes up our community. Youth meet as a large group at St. John’s each morning for a devotion, then divide into small groups by age and travel to our partner sites to serve for the day. Each afternoon, all groups return to St. John’s for closing remarks and pick-up.
While this is a faith-based camp offered by St. John’s Episcopal Church, it is open to all rising 6th-12th graders. Registration opens on May 11 to St. John’s Youth and on May 12 to the greater Tallahassee community.
Due to COVID-related restrictions at St. John’s and with our partner organizations, we are offering two separate (two-day) Youth B.E.A.T. sessions. Each day begins at 9 AM and ends at 2 PM. Youth will earn five service hours per day.
Session A: Monday & Tuesday, June 14 and 15 (FULL)
Session B: Wednesday & Thursday, June 16 and 17
NOTES: Both sessions will be the same format and both are open to all grade levels. So we can include as many youth as possible, please select only one session per person.
The fee is $50 for each two-day session. This includes transportation to sites via a charter bus with excellent air filtration systems and daily catered boxed lunches. Registration fees are non-refundable after June 6, 2021. Confidential scholarships are available. Email Caroline Allen with scholarship interest or indicate that on your registration form.
NOTE: St. John’s takes reducing the risk of spreading COVID-19 very seriously. Masks will be required at all times, groups sizes will be limited, and much of the service work will take place outdoors. More information about our procedures and strategies to reduce risk will be communicated post-registration.
We are grateful to the adults who make Youth B.E.A.T. possible! If you are able to chaperone a small group during one or both sessions, please complete the form below. Two chaperones remain with each group throughout the day. This year, driving is not required and chaperones will ride the bus with their group between St. John’s and our partner sites.