August 29, 2024

Realm Refresher – Are you logged on?

St. John’s has been using Realm the last three years as our online directory and giving platform. Most of us are logged in and doing great! In case you need a reminder: Realm is an online ministry tool designed for real time connection. It helps our church connect with you and you connect with us. Realm allows you to manage your personal information and who is allowed to see it, control your giving, and keep in touch with the groups that matter to you.

We wanted to give everyone a quick refresher on how to get logged on to Realm, as well as introduce a new function: Entering your Skills and Interests. If you have any questions, please contact Claire Dodd.

You can log on to Realm by clicking here.

Skills & Interests: Why This Is Important

We believe that everyone is unique. We all have time and talents that we wish to share with everyone. St. John’s would love to know where your passion lies and what you feel called to do. Through Realm’s Skills & Interests function, St. John’s can help you identify those areas where you would like to serve most. There is a place for everyone and adding your skills and interests to your profile will not only help St. John’s serving teams find YOU, but YOU find St. John’s serving teams! For example, do you love the way the altar looks on a Sunday morning? Do you have a gift or a “Skill” for organization and cleaning? Perhaps the Altar Guild Ministry is the “Interest” for you.

At St. John’s, we believe everyone should have a ministry, but don’t let that intimidate you. At its core, “ministry” is simply anything we do to extend God’s love beyond ourselves. Ministry can be behind-the-scenes or out-front. It can happen one-on-one or in a crowd. It can take place at church, in the community, or even in your own home. There are infinite ways to serve God. What’s yours?

You can log onto Realm by clicking here. Follow the instructions below to enter your Skills & Interests.

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