Your Rector Search Committee has an update!
- 366 people responded to the Holy Cow survey.
- This represents 83% of our average weekly attendance rate.
- We are very pleased with this incredible response. Thank you!
- The Rector Search Committee met with Holy Cow Consulting on October 20 to review the survey results.
- Holy Cow reported that St. John’s is a high energy and highly satisfied congregation.
- During this part of the Self Study Phase, we are working to incorporate the survey analysis into the parish profile.
- The parish profile is essentially a job description.
- Once the parish profile has been completed, we will begin the Seeking Phase of our search.
- This means we’ll begin taking applications for the role.
- The congregation will have access to the parish profile.
- In preparation for the Seeking Phase, your Rector Search Committee took part in a three-hour “Search Committee Interview Skills” training session on October 23.
- Pray for your Rector Search Committee.
- Know a priest you love? Share their name with the Rector Search Committee and encourage that individual to apply during the Seeking Phase.
- If you have any questions or comments, please fill out a feedback form found on the St. John’s Rector Search webpage or contact a member of the Rector Search Committee.
Thank you for your support as we seek God’s choice for our next rector.
Martin Proctor, Chair
Laurye Messer, Vice-Chair
Date published: October 28, 2021