July 1, 2021

Nominations Open for Search Committee

“Behold We Are Doing A New Thing”

July 1, 2021


As St. John’s Episcopal Church begins a new chapter of discernment, we are pleased to announce our Rector Search Committee Chairs. Martin Proctor will lead the team as Chair, and Laurye Messer will serve as Vice-Chair. Both are active, long-time members, former senior wardens, and gifted leaders. Each is familiar with our parish, our congregation, and our ministries, and both share our longing to discern who God will call to lead St. John’s forward as our new rector.

Now, we need your input! The next step in this process is to appoint a search committee comprised of a representative cross section of St. John’s members. The nomination period is now open! If you are a communicant in good standing, we urge you to nominate yourself, using the form below, by July 23. If you require assistance, please call the church office at (850) 222-2636 and our staff will be happy to complete the form on your behalf. You are also invited to nominate fellow parishioners whom you believe possess the desired skills, qualities, and leadership style required to work and pray with a diverse group of parishioners to live out this next important step in our parish’s mission and ministry.


Those serving on the search committee should be committed to St. John’s and should:

  • be a member in good standing
  • regularly attend worship and be a person of prayer and faithful living
  • have served in leadership capacities in various St. John’s ministries
  • have financially pledged or given regularly to St. John’s mission and ministries
  • be able to collaborate with others and be part of consensus decision making
  • have demonstrated mature commitment to St. John’s vision, mission, and values
  • have demonstrated the wisdom and capacity to hold in confidence sensitive information

The search process begins and ends with prayer in Jesus’ name. If God is calling you to serve as a member of the Rector Search Committee, we lift you up in prayer and give our heartfelt thanks for your consideration. Please rest assured, we will continue to keep the entire parish up to date with the process and we promise you will all have the chance to have your voices heard through a parish survey that will be conducted this coming fall.

Doug Sessions, Senior Warden
Lynn Solomon, Junior Warden

After you have submitted your nomination(s), learn more about the timeline and process for our search for our new Rector on our RECTOR SEARCH WEBPAGE.

Nominations are now closed.

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