October 1, 2020

Stewardship Season Underway

The Stewardship Committee is holding the entire parish in prayer as we begin the Stewardship Season for the upcoming calendar year 2021. Pledge packets should have arrived at your mailbox this week. If you have not received one, please email Kate Kile or call (850) 222-2636 ext. 17.

There are a couple of changes for Stewardship this year, most notably, a shorter season! Please prayerfully consider your pledge commitment and let us know by October 31. You can return your pledge card in the mail, pledge online through the My St John’s Portal, or email Kate Kile.

Stay tuned for more information this month from the Ministry of Finance and Stewardship – opportunities to learn about all the ways we can show our gratitude for the blessings in our lives. Kate Kile and her team will also share more about what it means to give.

O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.

—Psalm 136:1

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